General Questions
Product Questions
- Can I change the level of intensity?
- Is there risk of irritation?
- Is it safe? Is it hygienic?
- I have been on anti-depressants for many years and this regimen has seriously impacted my sensitivity. Will the Eroscillator work on me ?
- Viagra Vs Eroscillator ®
- Is the packaging confidential?
General Questions
- Placing your order
- You place your order on the web, we receive it, we check your credit card and process the order further, then our warehouse sends it out. You can also send your check/money order to ARC directly and the above applies.
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- Packaging
- Your Eroscillator ® will arrive in a plain brown carton, tightly packaged and boxed in its corrugated carton and within the box a beautifully designed package with your Eroscillator ®, brochure which includes the exclusive ""Primer" © on Self Pleasuring" by Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer, ready for your pleasure. The UPS address ground label on the outer box has only your name and address and the return address of ARC.
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- Delivery time
- Depending when you order, the day the office processes it (week days - same day), the warehouse office sends it out, UPS picks it up and deliver the package where you live in the U.S., Canada, or International, the time period should be from 5 to 10 days.
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- Rush delivery
- You may ask for Overnight or 2nd Day Air. The extra charge of that cost will be added to your order.
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- Privacy policy
- ARC takes your privacy seriously. We only use the information we collect to process and deliver your order. Any information you supply will not be given to any outside organization for its use in marketing, nor will we add you to a mailing list of our own except if you requested us to do so.
- We will store your contact information for 2 years from the purchase. Should you encounter any problems with our products or need a replacement under the one-year warranty we will best be able to help and serve you.
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- Warranty
- For your Eroscillator ® and its accessories, you have with "ARC" a full year's warranty. This means, if something goes wrong with the unit itself or the attachments we will replace it. If the cause of the problem is customer related, we will test your product and make a recommendation.
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- Return policy
- 30 day return policy on unused/unsheathed devices with full refund on the purchased items. This only applies if THE SEAL IS NOT BROKEN ON THE EROSCILLATOR®.
- 30 day refund policy for used items. In the unlikely event you are not satisfied with your Eroscillator®, you have 30 days to return it for a refund. A 20% sanitary disposal fee applies as we cannot repurpose used devices, for obvious health rules and FDA regulations
- Shipping costs are non refundable.
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Product Questions
- Can I change the level of intensity ?
- Most vibrators can only be operated at one speed. Occasionally two speeds. The Eroscillator ® provides three levels of intensity so you can control both the degree of stimulation and the duration of the experience.
With the Eroscillator ® you can achieve exactly the kind of satisfaction you want. Orgasms can be brought about slowly for a mild, soothing experience or more quickly for a more intense experience. - top
- Most vibrators can only be operated at one speed. Occasionally two speeds. The Eroscillator ® provides three levels of intensity so you can control both the degree of stimulation and the duration of the experience.
- Is there risk of irritation ?
- The Eroscillator ® provides a very gentle, very effective oscillating motion compared to the touch of a loving finger - different from every other pounding vibrator on the market.
There's no harsh pounding agitation. It is designed to oscillate over a wide area and there is no risk of irritation to soft tissues.
But the Eroscillator ® should not be used on any parts affected by Herpes or any other adverse condition.
America's leading Sexual Research Institute notes that the Eroscillator ® is not only effective but "extremely well crafted". - top
- The Eroscillator ® provides a very gentle, very effective oscillating motion compared to the touch of a loving finger - different from every other pounding vibrator on the market.
- Is it safe ? Is it hygienic ?
- The Eroscillator ® is 100 % safe. There's no danger of electrical shock. Unlike other vibrators, it includes a step down converter which reduces the electrical current from the socket on to the machine from 120 or 230 volts to a safe 14 volts.
What's more, it's completely waterproof (except the step down converter) and the device itself can be washed with soap and water . - top
- The Eroscillator ® is 100 % safe. There's no danger of electrical shock. Unlike other vibrators, it includes a step down converter which reduces the electrical current from the socket on to the machine from 120 or 230 volts to a safe 14 volts.
- I have been on anti-depressants for many years and this regimen has seriously impacted my sensitivity. Will the Eroscillator work on me ?
- Our statistics show that the Eroscillator ® fully delivers on over 95% of women who use it. There exists however two categories of women for whom it may not work as intended out of the box.
The first category is ultra-sensitive women for whom even the first position may be too intense. For those women, there exists a simple and comfortable solution: the use of a piece of folded cloth between the attachment head and the clitoris to dampen the stimulation.
The second category is women with very low sensitivity, often due to prolonged use of anti-depressants. For those women we strongly advice to ask for a professional opinion from a licensed sexologist or Ob/Gyn. - top
- Our statistics show that the Eroscillator ® fully delivers on over 95% of women who use it. There exists however two categories of women for whom it may not work as intended out of the box.
- Viagra Vs Eroscillator®
- We think it is a wonderful thing trying to bring light to millions of women, 38 million of them inorgasmic today ( only in the USA). There have been so many articles in magazines and in newspapers about the importance of women having sexual stimulation and how to go about achieving it. The men,towards achieving that goal, at the moment have Viagra, and many of the articles written today are along the lines of a sexual drug for women. However, all drugs do have side adverse effects, and with Viagra a male orgasm is not at all automatic. None of these limitations and adverse factors are in existence with the Eroscillator ®, according to the thousands of unsolicited testimonials and University comparative and qualltative testings. The Eroscillator ® alone, without any pharmaceutical invasive drug, brings women, even without a partner, to sexual fulfillment of deep and multiple orgasms.
- We have been able to fully establish and demonstrate that with the Eroscillator ® no sexual enhancement drug is ever needed. Our magnetically induced device is the only plug-in massager, with a 12-foot cord and a step-down converter to l4V for complete safety, that will automatically bring high intensity orgasms to women. the Eroscillator ® does not pound like ordinary vibrators but physiologically oscillates. The Eroscillator ® has been tested at New York City University for psycho-sensory comparative evaluation and is the only sensual product, as of today, recommended and sponsored by Dr Ruth K. Westheimer .It has also been scientifically tested and reviewed by the leading Sexual U.S. Institute who defined the Eroscillator ® as "remarkably well crafted for its purpose".
- The Eroscillator ® has been fully developed by Swiss scientists. Their aim was to devise a perfect device for women sensual fulfillment and therefore millions of U.S. dollars were devoted over the past fifteen years in research and development with a double goal :
A) not to be associated and prevent the necessity of using invasive drugs.
B) to bring physiological relief with the best immediate orgasms. - top
- Is the packaging confidential ?
- Discretion is our Priority.
We send the Eroscillator ® in a plain brown package with no external markings. - top
- Discretion is our Priority.
On a personal note to our Customers,
we say that you will be more than satisfied with the *BEST VIBRATOR - THE EROSCILLATOR ®. It will give you the greatest pleasure and satisfaction and you will have your EROSCILLATOR ® for years and years - it is always ready when you are.